Debug openfire3.31 in eclipse

the error as follow:


at javax.swing.ImageIcon.(

at org.jivesoftware.openfire.launcher.Launcher.main(

how to resolve the probrem?

Showing just a stack trace with a subject line doesn’‘t help too much… I’'m not sure what you are trying to do. As you are getting a NullPointerException, I assume you are running the code, so I do not know how Eclipse is involved. Can you tell us what you are doing?

i want to debug openfire in eclipse, step by step.

follow by :


I did update the document for Openfire, it has now a new name and thus also a new link:


Hi LG:

Unable to access jarfile E:\eclipse\workspace\lib\startup.jar

eclipse home : E:\eclipse,and openfire project:E:\eclipse\workspace\openfire_src

I’'m sorry,

“Unable to access jarfile E:\eclipse\workspace\lib\startup.jar”

I believe that is an eclipse jar file. I would see if the jar file is there, and if not, try to find it and move it to that location.

Regarding 1-st error-> just set main class to org.jivesoftware.openfire.starter.ServerStarter. You get your error cause you’'re trying to start wrong main class (org.jivesoftware.openfire.launcher.Launcher).

Regarding last error: you should not use this jar. Uncheck “Include libraries when searching for the main class” option, type “ServerStarter” at “Main” tab “Main class:” input field, push “Apply” button and run/debug your plugin. In other words if you precisely implement all the steps from LG’‘s manual you’'ll succeed.