I did create within Wifi (/group-create.jsp) a group “eee” with two local users “admin” and “test”, it did show up for both Spark users and was the only group. Then I did delete it (/group-delete.jsp?group=eee) and it disappeared. But all registered users which were offline did appear in the “Offline Group” of “admin” and “test”. For “test” (and admin) it looks like this: http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/7180/clipboard56kz.png
So one may wonder why I have users like ủủủủ and ��→ but these should be valid unicode user names.
a) I can’'t login with Spark with these and
b) ủủủủ gets displayed as four squares in the offline list
but a+b are complete different issues.