Development Documentation

I’'ve not seen any good document that can help extending Jive Messenger, besides the javadocs does not look to explain every thing from basic development. Has any one got sort of document that can help?

We haven’‘t had a chance to work on these types of docs yet, but plan to soon after the final binary 2.0.0 release. In the meantime, we’'d be more than happy to answer any questions you run into.



hi Matt,

i really hope you can any good document that can help extending Jive Messenger as soon as. i need that to understand more.

Can you provide some more detail about what type of documentation you’'re looking for? That will help us put them together.



hi Matt,

thanks you for quickly answer. Now I need some documents how we can plug-in some new components for JiveMessenger server. exp: transfers data component… Can you help me?

Until full documentation is available, I would recommend looking at the “broadcast” plugin that’‘s in CVS. It’'s a good demo of how to do a plugin and component.

