Hello, I am using packetfilter 2.0.2 and can not figure out how to wildcard admin accounts to deny all communication.
our Active directory environment has regular users xxxx@company.com some users also have admin accounts xxxxadmin@company.com
I want to be able block all communication to and from a xxxxadmin account.
so I created two rules
drop from *admin@of-server to any
drop from any to *admin@of-server
I used the type “other” to enter *adming@of-server and during creation there’s no problems creating, but if I go back and try to edit the rules I get “Please specify a valid destination JID or Domain”
Needles to say the rules dont work. I can login with both my admin and regular at the same time and send messages back and fourth.
Is there a way to filter a jid on wildcars rather then just domains?