Does the userpassword in wildfire has to the same as the AD password

After integrating Wildfire with AD

Does the userpassword in wildfire has to the same as the AD password ?



So how can I resolve this issue?

Any help appreciated




as soon as you are using AD/LDAP as the auth provider for Wildfire the AD passwords will be used instead of the ones which you did store in the database.

Could you explain a little bit more detailed what you mean?


Hi LG, thanks for the help

The thing is we have already - for test purposes - some 20 odd users in the wildfire database. We asked the users to use the same password as in AD to lighten the migration. If the AD password is used after integrating then we have no worries.

Btw do you know which algorithm is used to encrypt the password when is stored in wild fire for local users?

Bye for now



the encryption was often discussed but, especially in the dev forum. It’'s not a SHA or MD5 hash, so one can get the plaintext password using the passwordKey and the encrypted password.