Dropped by the Jive server


We installed the Jive Messenger 2.0.1 in our server and found that all users were dropped by the server a few times a day. I logged onto the server and saw the Jive server is running, also could ping it. But I could not access the Jive server webpage or make my JID connected to the server. Rebooting the server could fix it. But I want to know why and how to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.


Are there any error messages in the error log (available in the admin console) that seem to correspond to these outages?



Thanks for the response. On the server screen, there is an error message showed as below:

SSL_esock.exe - ordinal not found

The ordinal 2821 could not be located in the dynamic link library library32.dll.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.