Embed BINARY data in a IQ message


I would like to embed “binary” data in a IQ message. In fact, I would like from one client, to send a

Hi cdemez,

so just do it. You want to encode it using base64, don’'t you?

Without encoding a lot of the information of the binary data will be lost during the conversion to unicode.


Okay… but then, I will send 4 times more information on the net ?

When I encode Binary to BASE64 … the Base64 is 4x bigger ? Right ?

Thanks for your answer


I would say that it will be 1,3x bigger and you could compress the binary data before the conversion to base64 so this shouldn’'t be an issue.

Of course you could write your own binary2UTF-8 converter, but this will likely much more complicated.



Thanks a lot for your answers
