Embedded database migration


I am newer to the IT field and still working through all the processes. I have been assigned to migrate our openfire server from ubuntu 14.04 to centos 7 as we are planning on using centos for various future projects and looking to combine everything. The server side has been set up with an embedded database and I have looked around the forum to see if anyone had posted about migrating the embedded database from one OS to another; however, it seems most posts answer how to migrate to sql or another database. I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with how to simply migrate the embedded database from one server to another? Thanks for any help!


Embedded database is in the form of a few text files, should be in the installation folder /openfire/embedded-db. All you have to do is to shut down the old server and copy this folder, config files (/openfire/conf) and /openfire/resources/security (if using SSL certificates) to the new server.