Enabling Spell check in SPark IM client

Dear All,

Please let me know how do I enable spell check feature in Spark IM client, are there any plug-in’s to enable the same.



Spell checker plugin should be installed and enabled by default. Check Spark > plugins. Maybe it’s not installed. What package did you use to install Spark? Offline exe?

Thank you very mech, I have installed Spark client through an offline exe. Just installing the relevent plug-in will meet m y requirement ?



yes it should. but it should be there already.

Yes, there are few things under plugin directory, could you please tell me the plugin name for spell check.

it’s the Spellchecker for Spark. If it’s not on the Installed Plugins tab, check the Available plugins tab and install it. But maybe you should try to reinstall Spark itself. Somehow spellchecker didnt installed for you, and it should.


I don’t have this Spell Checker for Spark installed, I am not able to download the same from Available Plugins, could you provide me the URL from where I can download the same.



No. I don’t know the URL of Spark plugins.