Erro tela Azul ao iniciar Spark

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Quando eu clicko em Login no spark ele da erro tela azul e reinicia o PC, alguém sabe me dizer o que pode ser? Como resolver esse BUG?

Wow, that’s a new. I suspect this is some driver causing this, but running Spark just invokes that driver. What Windows and Spark version? You can also try some debug tools to see what exactly caused blue screen. Like

Eu acabei de formatar o computador do 0, Windows 8 instalei o Spark versão 2.7.7, ele da o problema, instalei a ultima versão 2.8.3 e também persiste no problema, os drivers do PC estão todos instalados certo e eu precisava muito do spark funcionando nesse computador =(

Well, i can’t really help with that. You need to investigate what is happening, debug blue screen log and maybe mini dump logs (if Windows manages to produce them while crashing). If you don’t know how to do this, you need to find a competent IT specialist. Meanwhile you can use any other XMPP client. Say Gajim or Pidgin. They can connect to your server just like Spark.

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