This is the first time in 15 years that I get this error.
And I don’t even know what the HTTPS address is throwing at me:
Seems that you’re running an old version of Openfire that failed to initialize properly. Are there any errors in the logs?
Is 4.8.1 old?
Eh, no, I made a mistake. I could try to explain my mistake, but you trying to follow along with that would only confuse everyone.
That said, I’d still be interested in learning what is being logged, if anything.
It still logs megabytes of ‘problem closing connection’. There is nothing else in the logs.
The 4.8.1 seems to be going into the FUBARed state as in the original screenshots, once it has been up for a while, and then I try to log into the admin. All previous versions could be left up for years and still showed the login and admin UI no problem. Everything is getting better and better by day.