Error while compiling my java class using API createUser

Hi ,

I have written one Java class for creating User.I have included the package

org.jivesoftware.messenger.user.DefaultUserProvider and i am calling the method

createUser from package import org.jivesoftware.messenger.user.DefaultUserProvider .

I have included the messener.jar in classpath.

But while compiling,it is giving the error as follows. cannot access org.jivesoftware.messenger.user.User

bad class file: /root/JiveMessenger/messenger.jar(org/jivesoftware/messenger/user/DefaultUserPr ovider.class)

class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0

Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.

import org.jivesoftware.messenger.user.DefaultUserProvider;


1 error

If anyone has any information ,please send me on email[/b]

ThankX in advance.

Hi pallavi,

class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0

Check to see which version of java you’‘re running. This error means the code you’‘re trying to run was compiled using JDK 1.5, but you’'re trying to run it with JDK 1.4.

Hope that helps,


Thank You Ryan ,

I downloaded the JDK1.5 and compiled the program.It get compiled properly.

Thank U very much.It helped me a lot.

Cool! Glad to hear it.