[error] Yahoo disconnect is not work

  1. login by openfire - gateway - yahoo

  2. login another computer yahoo messager

  3. openfire - gateway do not anything

here is log ================================
2008.10.06 19:19:12 JettyLog: continuation RetryContinuation@32087476,pending
2008.10.06 19:19:13 Magic:YMSG Version:12 Length:8 Service:LOGOFF Status:-1 SessionId:0x892a1a [66] [42]
2008.10.06 19:19:13 error during the event dispatch
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.gateway.protocols.yahoo.YahooListener.connectionClose d(YahooListener.java:187)
at org.openymsg.network.event.SessionAdapter.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.openymsg.network.EventDispatcher.run(Unknown Source)
2008.10.06 19:19:17 JettyLog: resume continuation RetryContinuation@14839086,pending,expired
2008.10.06 19:19:17 JettyLog: continuation still pending {}
2008.10.06 19:19:17 JettyLog: continuation RetryContinuation@14839086
2008.10.06 19:19:18 JettyLog: EOF


i think


public void connectionClosed(SessionEvent event) {

*** // event is null so i changed by my server to **
Log.debug(event == null ? “closed event is null”:event.toString());*

    if (getSession().isLoggedIn()) {


and other thing is login another place login then gateway send error-message to client.

but yahoo lib is not.

some one help ~~~~

I have the same problem, from Spark (and openfire) I don’t know when i loose connection with Yahoo (from example when i connect from other computer).

Also i have another problem but is not related to IM Gateway that permit to more than one client to connect to openfire for the same user in the same time.