Errors on spark

i got new error this morning i can’t chat with some of my friends in contact…i don’t why…

i had quited openfire server and logout some of my friends that i can’t chat with them…

if you wanna chat with someone you should press enter on the name of contact or just right click on the name…when i did these two methods there was nothing happen,

i had solved this problem,it caused i added more emoticons yesterday, see my .png file error3, i added test…and then my spark error,i chose another emoticons such as default,gtalk,pop…and the errors didn’t appear again

So, as you have found out yourself, the cause of these errors is probably your custom set of emoticons. I think you should upload your test set here adn then maybe ask people on that thread that i gave you link before to take a look at your icons and maybe they will be able to tell what is wrong with them.