Fastpath chat usage summary not being updated


I’m running Openfire 3.6.0a with the following plugins:

Fastpath Service 4.1.0

Fastpath Webchat 4.0.0

Monitoring Service 1.1.1

Presense Service 1.4.0

Search 1.4.3

I’ve noticed that “Fastpath > Reports > View Chat Usage” screen is not being updated correctly, specifically the last two lines:

Overall Usage Summary

Total number of users entering chat queues:
Number of users served by agents:
Percentage of users served by an agent:
Average user wait time prior to being served:
18 seconds
Average length of a user chat session:
0 seconds
Total length of all user chat sessions:
0 seconds

So, as you can see the “Average length of a user chat session” and “Total lenght of all user chat sessions” aren’t being updated. I could swear that it was working at some point, but I can’t figure out when.

Any ideas?

