Fastpath: Could Not Connect You with an Agent

I’ve installed the open source version of the Fastpath plugin and the Spark Fastpath Webchat to allow for my company’s support and sales teams to communicate with customers online in a similar fashion to Jive’s website. However, when I click the chat button on my website, fill in the form, and send the request I get a message that says ‘We are unable to connect you to an agent. Please try back later.’ This is after my Spark client accepts the request and pops up the chat window with information.

It seems as if the Javascript times out while waiting for a response and displays that as a default mesage, but I don’t know the inner workings to know for sure.

This problem presented itself at first, but then the software started working, now the issue is back again. Every request I send gives this error.

If you want to see the website it is at, my demo page is here: No one may be signed on for most of this week, but I will try to be if I can.

Thanks for any help or guidence.

Hey Drew,

Have you enabled the debug log to track the routing process? You may also want to use the xml debugger plugin to monitor the XML traffic between the server and the clients. Once an agent accepted a request a room will be created and both the agent and the end user will receive message with the room invitation. Both parties should join the room and the chat session should start.


– Gato


Thank you for your fast response. Reading your other posts, you are the king of support.

I am seeing this error in the debug.log file:

2008.05.13 17:22:42 Exec[0]: room.getAllMessages()
2008.05.13 17:22:42 --Object found in page. Call params (string:fOUwDhI1sY) id=6703_1210717421303. Using (XHR,POST)
2008.05.13 17:22:42 Returning: id[6703_1210717421303] assign[s0] xhr[true]
2008.05.13 17:22:42 var s0=null;
DWREngine._handleResponse(‘6703_1210717421303’, s0);
2008.05.13 17:22:42 000688 (02/05/00) - Connection #2 tested: OK
2008.05.13 17:22:42 000688 (02/05/00) - Connection #1 tested: OK
2008.05.13 17:22:42 000689 (02/05/00) - Connection #1 tested: OK
2008.05.13 17:22:42 000689 (01/05/00) - Connection #5 tested: OK
2008.05.13 17:22:42 000689 (01/05/00) - Connection #3 tested: OK
2008.05.13 17:22:42 000690 (01/05/00) - Connection #3 tested: OK
2008.05.13 17:22:42 ConnectionHandler: Broken pipe
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketIoProcessor.doFlush(SocketIoProcesso
at org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketIoProcessor.doFlush(SocketIoProcesso
at org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketIoProcessor.access$500(SocketIoProce
at org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketIoProcessor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
2008.05.13 17:22:42 read data in 6 lines

I do also see routing issues displaying below:

2008.05.13 17:23:10 RoutingTableImpl: Failed to route packet to JID: packet:
<message to="" from="" id=“dicky@cybercon.com__sonny@cybercon.com__51Ji3”>
<event xmlns=“”>
<items node=“”>
<item id=“e8Pb665TfO1zB2r” node=“”>
<tune xmlns=“”/>
2008.05.13 17:23:10 RoutingTableImpl: Failed to route packet to JID: packet:
<message to="" from="" id=“dicky@cybercon.com__alan@cybercon.com__W41LQ”>
<event xmlns=“”>
<items node=“”>
<item id=“e8Pb665TfO1zB2r” node=“”>
<tune xmlns=“”/>
2008.05.13 17:23:10 RoutingTableImpl: Failed to route packet to JID: packet:
<message to="" from="" id=“dicky@cybercon.com__paul@cybercon.com__pF3GY”>
<event xmlns=“”>
<items node=“”>
<item id=“e8Pb665TfO1zB2r” node=“”>
<tune xmlns=“”/>
2008.05.13 17:23:10 RoutingTableImpl: Failed to route packet to JID: packet:
<message to="" from="" id=“dicky@cybercon.com__clay@cybercon.com__0s5HH”>
<event xmlns=“”>
<items node=“”>
<item id=“e8Pb665TfO1zB2r” node=“”>
<tune xmlns=“”/>

That is only a few. I will do my best to find those out on my own, but I am new to this so I may not get far.

I will also try to get the XML debugger to see what messages come from that.

  • Drew


I spent even more time searching through the community and found this post: It said to remove myself from being an administrator in a group chat, although it is not the group that does webchat, it still worked. I removed myself and I’ve been able to connect each time.

I will keep testing it out to be sure, but I think this is done.

Thank you for your help,


Hey Drew,

That is correct. Being an admin in MUC means that you are a moderator in the room with role owner. Presences of moderators/owners are not public in the rooms. In other words, the agent was in the room but he was invisible to the end user.


– Gato

That makes so much sense in hindsight although I don’t see why it takes affect for the entire server if someone is just admin for a single MUC room. It doesn’t matter though since none of our administrators will be in queue to answer questions.

Thank you,
