Fastpath: How do I use it with Active Directory?

I use active directory for user authentication. I am interested in using fastpath/sparkweb for customer support. The problem is those users would not have an account in AD. Is there a way to let them authenticate as unique users via sparkweb/fastpath? I may need a bit of hand holding with this as these plugins are newly opensourced and documentation seems to be sparce.

I may be getting there. How do I access the webchat webpage for fastpath? The old enterprise plugin had a tools menu to link you to the webpage. The opensource version does not have this menu. I can not find the webchat webpage. Do I need to install some other package as well?

I assumed I needed the webchat.war file to make this work. I downloaded that file, installed, and configured it. I now get this error:

List of available workgroups within Fastpath

Click on one of the following workgroups to join.

Unable to connect to server using the following settings:


Port: 5222

SSL Enabled: false

Test Connection\

Please change your server settings in the setup tool.

Yet when I test the connection it tests successful.

I got it! What a PITA. All I can say is make sure your server name is a FQDN, that the certificates match the FQDN, and that you have lots of time and patience.