Fastpath in red5 sparkweb

I have tried and installed it in openfire/plugins. have it up and running. when I log into sparkweb, I don’t see fastpath. The user I am logged into is one of the agents in a workgroup but it is showing offline as a workgroup. there is only one agent for testing purposes.


I am also having this issue -

I have installed Red5 into the plugins area and that deploys fine and i can login to red5/sparkweb, and even though the fastpath tab appears the workgroup still says offline -

The address i use to login is http://server:7070/red5/sparkweb/

I am right in thinking that there is a red5 sparkweb version and a standard independent sparkweb version ?

Can anyone help with this - I am using latest version of openfire on a linux box.


I have seen this problem when you use your own queue instead of default. I will see if I can reproduce it.