Fastpath Offline Settings not taking effect

Hi there,

We’'re currently in the process of evaluating Fastpath for possible replacement of our current live chat solution.

We’'re having some trouble with Offline Settings. In the Workgroup Settings, Offline Settings are set to ‘‘Display Email Form’’ and all fields are filled in.

However, when chat is offline (or the user elects to leave a message), the message defined under ‘‘No Help Available’’ on the ‘‘Text’’ settings page is displayed instead. Considering this setting says ‘‘Message displayed when no agent is online and offline settings is not configured’’ - and the offline settings are configured - are we either missing something, or could there be a bug somewhere?



I thought the same. It’'s actually because you have not properly set up the system wide email settings.

If you set those up, and get a “send test email” to work, everything else suddenly works.

(now… if only ssl certs were that way… heh)

Excellent! Thank you very much - problem solved.

For others experiencing the same problem, all I had to do was ‘‘save’’ the settings that were already there, and then the test e-mail - and the offline e-mail - worked perfectly.