Well again this session-summary.jsp.
I think it would be nice to have a User per page option in this jsp as in user-summary.jsp
Well again this session-summary.jsp.
I think it would be nice to have a User per page option in this jsp as in user-summary.jsp
We now have a users-per-page/sessions-per-page drop-down on both pages.
finally! cant wait to get back to work and test it:)
BTW, this refresh in sessions list, if it’'s active and if i leave AC at session list for a some time. Will AC logout after some time of “idle”, i mean no admin actions, only refresh?
BTW, this refresh in sessions list, if it’'s active
and if i leave AC at session list for a some time.
Will AC logout after some time of “idle”, i mean no
admin actions, only refresh?
I don’‘t think so. An auto-refresh will count pretty much just like a normal user action so I don’'t think your session will expire.
so now i can do a trick: just leave session page with autorefresh, so i dont have to login every time i’'m not using AC for a while? Of course you can make some option to customize this auto-logoff function. As i recall this request was in my first thread here:)
and few issues:
session-summary users per page drop-box doesnt save its value
as i said somethere else in forum i really need such drop-box in Group Summary page:)
and plus to this, Refresh dropbox should save it’'s value too. So, i can browse AC a little and then just go back to Sessions page and have nothing to set again. Lazy features:)