Few questions ; emoticons + vcard with ldap + authentification method

Before my questions, i would like to thank you for your work to this product, it’'s good, as your previous, i think about jive messenger server.

  1. I find that emoticons are possible with spark client but they’'re only interpreted, there is a plan in future version to permit user to select them from a list ?

  2. I can’'t retreive ldap information as vcard in my client ? Why ?

  3. I believe i read authentification with spark is in ssl by default, is it right ?


Where can I find a list of supported emoticons? So far I’'ve only found a few that Spark will display

Hi Atchik,

Thank you very much for the kind words. As for your questions.

Yes, there is a plan to support an emoticon pick list. You can track the issue with # SPARK-82.

I can’'t retreive ldap information as vcard in my client ? Why ?

That is more of a messenger issue that Gato and myself have been discussing where vCards would be based on some of messenger or ldap user information.

I believe i read authentification with spark is in ssl by default, is it right ?

That is correct. By default, we connect using TLS. You should see a lock icon next to your name in Spark after connecting.



Hi Tduval,

The following are supported emoticons:







Hi Derek,

Thank you for your speed and your answers. For the emoticons, i will track the issue you’‘ve created. For vcard ldap, i understand that it’'s depend on the relationship between client and server, it will be more complicated.



It would be nice if vcard can support both with option regarding whether to use ldap or messenger info. I don’'t see much info in messenger though while ldap has all the information.

I notice that spark is working with the Ldap right now but spark attibutes are different from that of psi. I hav made psi populate all the field but they don’'t show much in spark. I hope spark and jwchat has the same attributes. I would really appreciate if someone can post the Spark attributes. The example on Jive documentation work mostly for psi.

Here is the one I amtalking about.

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