File transfer 406 problem

function step2(iqq) {

var streamhost = $(iqq).find(“streamhost”).get(0);

// var serverjid = streamhost.getAttribute(“jid”);

// var serverhost = streamhost.getAttribute(“host”);

// var serverport = streamhost.getAttribute(“port”);

var iq = $iq({

to : fjid+’/Spark’,

type : ‘set’,

id :id,

from : fulljid

}).c(‘query’, {

xmlns : “”,

mode : “tcp”,

sid : sid

}).c(‘streamhost’, {

jid : fulljid,

host : “”,

port : “7777”

}).up().c(‘streamhost’, {

jid : streamhost.getAttribute(“jid”),

host : streamhost.getAttribute(“host”),

port : streamhost.getAttribute(“port”)


connection.sendIQ(iq, step3,error);


When send file,server will return a 406 error. I serch a long time, but find no where to be wrong.
Does any one konw why??? Please help me.
I’m wait on Internet and beg for my English.