First Time Spark User

I downloaded Spark for my company, and I am not really a tch guy. It asks me for the server, and I am not sure what to place in that field. Is it the mail IP address? I would appreciate any info I can get on this.

  • Daryl

So, Spark is not a messenger out-of-box, or peer-to-peer, it needs a server. So every Spark must be connected to a server and interact with each other through it. You need a server, preferable Openfire (as it’‘s easy to setup, fun to administer and it’‘s on top of a list of XMPP servers speaking about features). Ou, and it’‘s free as Spark On top of this page there is a Products menu, there you’‘ll find more info about Openfire server: Documentation (Installation Guide you will need at first), Plugins, etc. Though, as you said you’‘re not a tech guy, so maybe you should ask someone to help you. But Openfire is really easy to setup. Another question is do you have a machine (computer) to host the server. Of course it could be your desktop if it’‘s powerful enough and payload or number of users wount be large. But it’‘s preferable to have a dedicated machine for that. So then you will enter that computer’‘s name or IP address in Spark’'s login window. I presume you will have more problems with that, but these will be an issue for Openfire forum. There you will find answers for your further questions.

Good luck

Thank you for responding to my post. We have a small office, with about 10 different PC’‘s which will be using Spark. We also have a room here with a couple of servers in there, which is where we host our mailing system. I assume that is what we will use to host Spark, but I just wasn’‘t sure whether we type in an IP address, or just a simple name… at my old company, we had to type in (server name) I tried that here, and it didn’'t work.


When you install Openfire (Wildfire) as your server, it will prompt you during setup for the machine name. When you connect your Spark clients, you’'ll use that machine name as the server name. Hopefully it will all make sense once you do the Openfire install.

