Flex Builder 3 error- CSS type selector

When doing my final build in Flex3, I get the following 10 errrors. WIth these errors I cannot complete my final build. Any ideas on how to fix these errors? Any help at this time would be greatly apprcieated.

Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘ColorPicker’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 236 1232671639170 1489
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘DateChooser’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 388 1232671639172 1495
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘DateField’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 437 1232671639169 1488
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘HSlider’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 775 1232671639173 1496
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘NumericStepper’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 590 1232671639170 1491
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘PopUpMenuButton’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 684 1232671639172 1494
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘ProgressBar’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 706 1232671639168 1487
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘Slider’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 765 1232671639170 1490
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘Tree’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 884 1232671639171 1493
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The CSS type selector ‘VSlider’ was not processed, because the type was not used in the application. SparkWeb/src SparkWeb.mxml line 785 1232671639171 1492