Full CPU usage after upgrade Monitoring Plugin from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 or 2.2.0

I am running openfire in linux ubuntu 18.04 with mysql 5.7

I have monitoring plugin 2.0.1 and everything works like expected.

when i tried to upgrade for 2.1.0 ou 2.2.0 of monitoring plugin version openfire started increase cpu and service crash after few minutes.

in mysql ofMessageArchive have 12GB

Some ideas?

No one have the same problem?

What I have the different in configuration that crash the openfire after upgrade monitoring plugin to version after 2.0.1.

At this moment running: Ubuntu Server 18.04 + Openfire 4.6.3 + Monitoring Pluguin 2.0.1 + Mysql 5.7.33 + Java 1.8.0_292 Private Build