In Smack 4.4.1 the function getDataFormToSubmit of FillableForm changes the ordering of the fields. Caused by the use of Hashed collections. Also Hidden fields are not filled and also the fields with a default are neglected.
Right, my assumption was that the order of field in filled forms is irrelevant, cause, I’d expect those to be processed by a non-human receiving entity, or, that the receiving entity is able to re-create the field order.
I may be open to change this. But first I’d need some more input. For example in form of use-case descriptions and/or specification requirements.
Right, that’s a bug, those should be reflected back verbatim.
I think we can use the default value of it is a required field. Is that what you have in mind?
As in
I agree with the proposal. It will do the job in our case.
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