Gateway development: presence-probe packets

Hi, All !

I’'m trying to continue development msn gateway, and there is one question.

When user connects to server, and if already registered in msn gateway, then gateway receive presence packet from messenger with type=probe, like this:

I don’'t see it in JEP-0100, but I see probe packets for users in rfc3921. Is it right - to send probe packets to gateway ? If yes, what packets should I send as answer ?

WBR, Alex.

Hey Alex,

When user connects to server, and if already

registered in msn gateway, then gateway receive

presence packet from messenger with type=probe, like


<presence type=“probe” from=""


I don’'t see it in JEP-0100, but I see probe packets

ts for users in rfc3921. Is it right - to send probe

packets to gateway ?

If has in his roster then when alex sends an initial presence (i.e. becomes available) the server will send probe presences to alex’'s contacts. Probe presences will actually be sent to foreign users and not to local users. Since the gateway is not being considered a local user, the gateway is receiving a probe presence.

If yes, what packets should I send as answer ?

Sending probe presences means that the receiver is being asked for his last presence. Since the gateway is available you should reply with an available presence.

BTW, I created JM-174 for the problem where probe presences are not being sent from full JIDs.


– Gato

hey alex,

msn gateway is open source ??

Yes, it will be released under GPLv2 when it will be ready.

It require some time for fixing roster bugs in messenger(JM-190)

but jive messenger2.1 current version is not support msn getway!

Hay alex

Yes, current version of messenger not support gateways. I hope to next version will do it.

For release first version of MSN Gateway, I need to have some changes in messenger. First of that - JM-190. JM-190 require much time for fix(I think - about 2 weeks). I hope to made gateway to begin of April.

thanks alex!

please give me a Msn Number ?

i hope to me talking about jive messenger gateways, !