Get a list of connected users with the corresponding usernames


There is any way to get a list (for been used by another application) of the current connected users?


Hi Marcos,

I wonder why you post here another email address than in your profile, but forum users prefer using the forum instead of sending emails.

The admin console allows this already (after login) so I wonder why should want to write such a plugin. There is also the Presence Plugin, so three should be enough samples available if one wants to create it’s own.


Sorry about the emial stuff, the problem is that mi emial server is down now…

About my problem: I need the current sessions list in a file because I configured the server to poll the users and password from those of the active domain users and I want to make a web application in order to search for domain users that are connected in any moment…


Take a look into JavaDoc documentation of Openfire…


I think this will help you