Give me nicknames back

So, with 1.7 upgrade admin has changed setting to show names instead of nicknames. Would be good if we wasnt using nicknames for years. So now we have to make know each other again. Nicknames look nicer to me. I dont mind you to use names, but give every user a choice. I want an option in Preferences to toggle nicknames instead of names.

Now half of community is shown with names, and other with nicknames. Bah… Btw, i have hidden my name too now

Hi Xxxx,

well, as one could always click on your profile to get your name it does not change much (this is what I thought Nov 2, 2007 11:06 PM).

Now I think it does change a lot. A silly user may register a nick using a random account and specify as his personal name “wroot”. Then we have two “wroot” users in the forum and it may be hard to tell who’s who. I just thought of renaming one of my 2nd nicks to “Dawn Foster”, use her photo and post a new thread with “Free Openfire Enterprise Licenses” with random text what to do, maybe the three best rhymes which contains Openfire and Clearcase win. I guess that only a few users would realize the fake account.

So the unique name should at least be displayed to allow one to see the registered name.


Hey. We can make fake Dawn Foster team here

I worry if it’s going to be hard to find the real Dawn

Cmon, you can be Dawn yourself !

So what about showing Name but also username maybe below in ( ). Or maybe username should be below and name in brackets. If there is no name so it will only show username or “(name hidden)” or like that.

Btw, LG, you can still call me Oleg I’m not hiding, just i’m used to see myself as wroot here

Another way could be when you mouse hover on the user icon. Instead of saying “Click to view wroot profile.”, which is implied when the cursor changes to a pointing hand.

It’s almost like having a fan club

I’m trying to track this down to see if I can set some obscure system property or something to get the usernames back.

Done! It was an obscure system property


Hooray! Aznidin, you can sleep well now. Dawn is in one person for good