Google''s Summer of Code : Jive Messenger Security Enhancements

I just visited Jabber’‘s wiki page to read about Google’'s Summer of Code,

and the following project is Jive Messenger related.

Jive Messenger Security Enhancements

Goal: Add support for SASL and TLS (as defined in RFC 3920) to Jive Messenger.

Student: Hao Chen

Seems to be a great addition to Jive Messenger.

– Scott

Hey Scott,

In fact it is. Hao Chen is currently working on TLS and SASL and he is making good progress. We will make available the code as soon as we have an alpha/beta version working.


– Gato

Hey Gato,

Are these enhancements going to be part of Jive Messenger’'s core or as a plugin?


– Scott

Hey Scott,

This will be part of JM’'s core since they impact core classes.


– Gato