[Guide]Pionturn/External Service Discovery usage(For people trying to set up calls)

Pionturn usage guide

Pionturn is a TURN/STUN server to help clients such as Conversations, Dino to connect their calls/video calls from users that are in uncooperative networks.

With the plugin already installed we go to: Server>Media Services>Pion Turn/Stun

In this page as you can see everything is self-explanatory.

Username: (Here you set your preferred username)

Password: (Here you will set your password. But be aware some characters might not work well so it is better if you stick with alphanumerical passwords eg: QPOzDP5iKgUxvDLteHbB4bTX

IP Address:(Here you must set your external IP as in a number and not a domain.)

Port:(Here you must set a port for the TURN/STUN this port must be allowed in your firewall as UDP only and also port fowarded too also UDP only in case your Openfire server is behind a router.)

UDP Port Range Min: (Here you must set the lower port number for your UDP range. The ports between your min to your max will be used for calls that require TURN. Usually several ports per call. Also don’t forget to allow the whole range in the firewall and also portfoward in case your Openfire server is behind a router.)

UDP Port Range Max: (Here you must set the higher port number for your UDP range. The ports between your min to your max will be used for calls that require TURN. Usually several ports per call. Also don’t forget to allow the whole range in the firewall and also portfoward in case your Openfire server is behind a router.)

After setting everything click on “Save” and also don’t forget to go to the “Plugins” tab and restart the Pionturn plugin, for the changes to be applied.

At this stage your Pionturn plugin is fully functional however you will still need to advertise this service to the clients. To do this the next step is to install the plugin “External Service Discovery”.
After installing go to: Server>Media Services>Ext. Service Discovery.

In this page as you can see everything is also self-explanatory.

Host*: (Here you can use your Domain name. You can also use your external IP)

Port:(The port as set in the Pionturn plugin)

Description:(anything you want)

Transport: (UDP)


Credentials:(Hardcoded username and of course your “username” and “password” also as set in the Pionturn plugin.)

Now click on “Add Service” and done!!!

From now on your calls should work.

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Thank you very much for the tutorial
It helped me a lot

Everything was installed according to the guides above.
But after installing and configuring the Ext. Service Discovery plugin, the PionTurn page looks like this:

Service: null
Please tell me if it should be like this?

Hello, sorry but the guide above is outdated. that being said, the new pionturn documentation also includes a new guide:
or from here you can also read the same instructions(in case the images are not appearing for you):