Having problem in implementing typing status update of another user

I am using following code to implement ChatStateLitener to update typing status of another user. but it seems stateChanged function never triggers.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Chat chat= chatManager.createChat("someone@domain.com", new MessageListenerImpl());

public class MessageListenerImpl implements MessageListener,ChatStateListener {

public void processMessage(Chat arg0, Message arg1) {

System.out.println("Received message: " + arg1);


public void stateChanged(Chat arg0, ChatState arg1) {

if (ChatState.composing.equals(arg1)) {

MLog.d(“Chat State”,arg0.getParticipant() + " is typing…");

} else if (ChatState.gone.equals(arg1)) {

MLog.d(“Chat State”,arg0.getParticipant() + " has left the conversation.");

} else {

MLog.d(“Chat State”,arg0.getParticipant() + ": " + arg1.name());



public void processMessage(Message message) {

