Help for wilfire windows installation


i ve installed wilfire for windows with SQL database.i ve no knowledge about SQL and JAVA.

So when i start wilfire server, it start and when i launch admin, i ve a blank internet explorer page.

I installed SQL2000

i installed Wildfire 3.0.0

i configured a new database wildfire under SQL and i ve launch query analyser with runned.

I don t know how to install jdbc driver

what i ve to do for wilfire runs correctly?

many thanks for your answer.

when you start the database then start Widlfire, the first web page you see should be the setup screen for wildfire. http://localhost:9090 should take you to the setup page (and later the admin console) From there you can setup your JDBC connector for SQL.


I would just add to create an ID in MySQL with a password and give that user permissions to the Wildfire DB schema. Use that ID and P/W when you run through the setup.


I had the same problem with the admin page. I can access it from another computer, though, so I’'ve used it from my workstation instead.



please consult your sqlserver manual for a JDBC driver and copy it (it is usually a .jar or a .zip file) to the wildfire/libs directory if you get class-not-found errors during specifying the JDBC driver class.