Help Please Delete accidently the admin password

I have accidently deleted the administrator loghin of the console. What to do now. Please help.

Take a look at this document: That refers to Jive Forums, but the procedure to restore a non-LDAP admin user installation is pretty much the same.

Can you reply with some information about your setup (JVM, App Server, Database, OS, etc.)

- Seth -

i have instaled Open fire Server. on Windows platform, I have acces to mysql database

Stop your openfire server then edit the openfire.xml file. Change the . This will force you to rerun the openfire setup when you access the admin page from a browser on the server. Your settings in general should be intact this should fix your problem.

i don’t have this file in root of openfire

it is in the conf folder of the openfire directory.

i can’t set the password, it show’s me the incorect password. Still i think he remember the last profile.

Where are you trying to set the password. Did you rerun the setup via a web browser.

yes i made all the steps till admin password, and what i must set the password, it show’s me an eror.

There were errors when updating the admin account. Please see below.

damn i’m sorry, i don’t exprese clear. I have deleted the admin account. Im very sorry for miunderstanding

Cool…So what i do, i have made an another login with name user, then i anter in mysql database and remane it with admin, then i restart all this, so it work’s.

Thank’s to all. I’m sorry for disturbance!

Thank’s to all.

Glad to hear that you’re working again!