Help! Running into issues when importing schema tables into mysql from Windows

Using the Openfire Admin guide, I’m running the following command to import the schema tables from Openfire into mysql database and I get the error,

C:\program files\openfire\resources\database>** openfire_mysql.sql | mysql openfire;**

I get the following error:

‘mysql’ is not a recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

any assistance is appreciated.

I can help. I have many external IM accounts you can use to contact me:

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also if you just edit your openfire.xml file so the setup tag read false you can then use the server config to auto setup the tables for you. Start with a new empty MySQL catalog.

how did you make out?

Hi I’m having this same issue. Did you ever find a fix for this? Thanks!

Hi I"m having the same schema import issue on windows / mysql. do you haven any suggestions?