Help setting up pyMSNt with Openfire

Hi guys,

so i want to allow my users to send files within MSN transport. For now i’m using the openfire’s plugins set with multiple transport, it works fine but the msn trans. doesn’t allow file transfer.

so i thought to switch off that msn transport and set up pymsnt. On a debian server (etch) i’ve installed pymsnt via apt-get, configured it and started.

On openfire i set up the same port/password of pymsnt in fact i see the external component connected; but with my client (any kind of client) i can’t subscribe the transport cause i don’t see it into the service discovery. Here my pymsnt file:

> <pymsnt>
> <!-- This file contains options to be configured by the server administrator. -->
> <!-- Please read through all the options in this file -->
> <!-- The JabberID of the transport -->
> <jid>pymsn</jid>
> <!-- The public IP or DNS name of the machine the transport is running on -->
> <!-- This is needed for file transfer!! -->
> <host></host>
> <!-- The component JID of the transport. Unless you're doing clustering, leave this alone -->
> <!-- <compjid>msn1</compjid> -->
> <!-- The name of the transport in the service discovery list. -->
> <!-- <discoName>MSN Transport</discoName> -->
> <!-- The Twisted reactor to choose. Pick poll or epoll on Linux, kqueue on BSD. Or leave as default (best found) -->
> <!-- <reactor>poll</reactor> -->
> <!-- The IP address of the main Jabber server to connect to -->
> <mainServer></mainServer>
> <!-- The TCP port to connect to the Jabber server on (this is the default for Jabberd2) -->
> <port>5275</port>
> <!-- The authentication token to use when connecting to the Jabber server -->
> <secret>xxx</secret>
> <!-- Use's XCP component protocol extensions. -->
> <!-- <useXCP/> -->
> <!-- The default language to use -->
> <lang>en</lang>
> <!-- The website of the Jabber service -->
> <website></website>
> <!-- Comment out the following options to disable them, or uncomment them to enable them -->
> <!-- Send email notification messages to users -->
> <mailNotifications/>
> <!-- Send greeting on login -->
> <!-- <sessionGreeting>You have just started a session with PyMSNt</sessionGreeting> -->
> <!-- Send message on successful registration -->
> <!-- <registerMessage>You have successfully registered with PyMSNt</registerMessage> -->
> <!-- Allow users to register with this transport -->
> <allowRegister/>
> <!-- Get all avatars. If this is set to true then avatars are grabbed for all your contacts immediately. If false then avatars are only grabbed when you're in a chat with a contact -->
> <getAllAvatars/>
> <!-- The amount of time a user has to join a groupchat they are invited to before the transport makes them leave the room. (MSN protocol requires autojoining of groupchats) -->
> <!-- <groupchatTimeout>120</groupchatTimeout> -->
> <!-- File transfer settings -->
> <!-- The maximum size of a file transfer (in bytes). For unlimited, comment out, or set to 0 -->
> <ftSizeLimit>0</ftSizeLimit>
> <!-- The maximum rate for file transfer (in bytes). For unlimited, comment out, or set to 0 -->
> <ftRateLimit>0</ftRateLimit>
> <!-- Please give the port to listen for Jabber socks5 transfers on. -->
> <ftJabberPort>8010</ftJabberPort>
> <!-- Please give the port to listen for HTTP GETs here (Used in old-style OOB file transfers. Best to leave this disabled unless you know you need it.) -->
> <!--<ftOOBPort>8011</ftOOBPort>-->
> <!-- Please give the root URL the transport should send to clients. (You can use an Apache reverse proxy to put this on your ordinary website) -->
> <!-- Eg, the transport will listen on port 8011 for HTTP GETs to /RANDOM_FILE.ext. You can set apache to forward any requests to to This saves you from opening extra ports. -->
> <!--<ftOOBRoot></ftOOBRoot>-->
> <!-- You can choose which users you wish to have as administrators. These users can perform some tasks with Ad-Hoc commands that others cannot -->
> <!--<admins>
> <jid></jid>
> </admins>-->
> <!-- Log settings -->
> <!-- The logging level
> 0 -> No logging
> 1 -> Log tracebacks
> 2 -> Log tracebacks, warnings and errors
> 3 -> Log all sorts of informational (mostly useless stuff)
> 4 -> Log the MSN protocol code sent
> -->
> <debugLevel>4</debugLevel>
> </pymsnt>

thank you all in advance, any help would be appreciated.