Hope someone can help me with the following:
I try to call the "get-group-members’ ad hoc command from my code (using Smack and OpenFire). Here is my code:
**AdHocCommandManager ahm = AdHocCommandManager.getAddHocCommandsManager(conn1);
**RemoteCommand rc = ahm.getRemoteCommand(myJID, “http://jabber.org/protocol/admin#get-group-members”);
**Form rep = rc.getForm().createAnswerForm();
**rep.setAnswer(“group”, “mygrouptest”);
**rep = rc.getForm(); **
I’m getting back the form, but what I need is (probably!) ReportedData. I found the org.jivesoftware.smackx.DataForm has getReportedData () but it’s not inherited from Form.
How can I get read the results of an AddHocCommand?
Thanks in advance!