Ho do you log in securely?

Hey allm

I have wildfire set up on my non-profit org for chatting. I am trying to make things as secure as I can so I am wondering how I can set up logging in through like SSL or SSH. Any suggestions would be great.



Spark does not support SSL (port 5223) but plain and TLS (Transport Layer Security) connections (both port 5222). I did never see an option to force Spark to use TLS.

If you are using Wildfire you can configure it to require TLS on page http://server:9090/ssl-settings.jsp (edited: fixed 0090)


Hey and thanks for a quick reply. Now my question is does tsl prevent the username/password and prevent chat logs from being sniffed by a network sniffer? I saw the option to only allow secure connections in the admin console but if I enable this and everybody is using spark, will it automatically switch to a secure connection?

Please let me know.



the option will make sure that all clients use a secure connection.

You can still use a sniffer and collect the packets. You can decode them using the private key of the SSL certificate so you must not use Wildfire’'s default certificates but your own ones.


Thanks for all your help.


Anyone have access to this site http://server:0090/ssl-settings.jsp? I got page cannot be displayed. Has this been changed?

Please advise…


it should read 9090, and server should be your xmpp.domain name - not sure it this is your problem?