How became a developer?

Hi, my name is Aristides.

I’’ m a Java Programmer and I have been using wildfire for some months now. I want to become a wildfire developer, and help to improve the product and solve bugs.

I have three years of experience in Java, and two Sun Certifications:

SCJP - Sun Certified Java Programer 1.4

SCWCD - Sun Certified Web Component Developer 1.4

How can I became a part of the developer team?



I assume you did read and want to ask Gato or Matt if one of them wants to assign an issue to you.


Hey Aristides,

Thanks for your interest in Wildfire. You will need to sign the contributor agreement and you are good to go. I would recommend checking the bug tracking tool[/url] and select any issue you feel you can help with. Once you have a tentative list feel free to contact me or Matt to organize the work.


– Gato