How can i get spark source?

how can i get spark source?

my email is


In the download section there are directions to download the source from subversion or for the latest release.

i used svn,but i can’‘t download the sourc,there may be something wrong ,but i can’'t find out,can u email me a copy of spark source.

i am a newer in maybe i didn’'t use svn in a right way.if you can ,please tell me how to install the svn ,how to config it and how to download the spark source with svn in detail.i install a TotoiseSVN.

i will appreciate your help.thank you.

No one is going to email you the source. If you have subversion installed, run this command:

svn co spark

That will download it into a folder named spark.

Doest this command get the lattest resource?

Yes, it will.