How can i make a web-based user sign up?

hi, how can i make a web based user sign up using the mysql databases? i need it in HTML format

Hi Justin,

The best thing to do would be to write a plugin that utilizes the Messenger API to create users. To get started developing plugins take a look at the url= n-dev-guide.htmlJive Messenger Plugin Developer Guide[/url]. You could insert new users directly into MySQL, but you’'ll run into the url= issue[/url] Randy did.

If you’'d need help developing the plugin or would like to work together on it, let me know.

Hope that helps,


hey, thanks for the reply! yes i need help on it… do you have aim or msn or yahoo? or wait? how about contacting me on my messenger… HEHEHE…

You could also create a standalone client library that uses smack to register users. I created a test harness that creates users and deletes them automatically with smack. It was the easiest part.

Look here: (can’'t post long urls )

well i dont know how to code it.! tell me how… contact me

Are you familiar with javascript? Web development requires some development. JSP is the most basic way of interfacing web with java.

Hi All,

I’'ve attached a webregistration plugin that offers some basic functionality for allowing users to create accounts via a web page. Basically its just a slightly modified version of the existing user creation page from the Admin Console, but it works.

If there is enough interest in this feature I could add it the existing registration plugin. A nice feature might be to allow people to register but their account wouldn’'t be enabled until after an admin has approved it.

Let me know what you think.



no im not

Dont ask, just go ahead Your ideas is great all the time Well, if more serious, we dont need it, but it’'s a good thing to become a plugin or a part of plugin. And enabling of newly created accounts only by admin is a must-have feature.

Hey Ryan:

Today i look for about user registrate function in seem already developed it at “webregistration.jar”,whether you maybe share this function source code,it is get to me target.

i have a suggestion to this plugin,can it add a group assign function when new user append to jivemessenger.of course i will additive a user password login windows before my need use whole user registration function.if you isn’'t time do it i will do this part of function.certainly before i need you source code a(webregistration.jar).:slight_smile:

simply description my mission,i don’'t some specialy user login in jivemessenger admin potarl,but they can have some new add user and giving user assigned group i hope have a especially web interface it can do my appoint function.before it will have a user validate region that it will check this special user.

thanks in advance.


One good thing is to enable some users (not all, just some) to add other users, but it won’'t be enable until the admin authorize. Here, for me, it would be exelent

What do you think?

Another good thing is to have more than one server admin user (not just the admin).

Hi Tom,

The source for the webregistration plugin isn’'t to the point where it should be checked into cvs so I just went ahead and attached it to this post. I have it on my list of TODOs to clean up the code and add some documentation to the plugin but that is somewhat low on my priority list right now.



Hi Rodrigo,

One good thing is to enable some users (not all, just

some) to add other users, but it won’'t be enable

until the admin authorize. Here, for me, it would be


What do you think?

That is a good idea and is something that has been talked about before, adding role based permissions to the Admin Console so certain users would have access to different parts of Messenger.

Another good thing is to have more than one server

admin user (not just the admin).

You can actually do that now by adding user names to the list in your jive-messenger.xml file.



That is a good idea and is something that has been

talked about before, adding role based permissions to

the Admin Console so certain users would have access

to different parts of Messenger.

Yeah. Like an semi-admin that only can add users and remove with authorization of the real admin.

You can actually do that now by adding user names to

the list in your

jive-messenger.xml file.

Hummm. I didn’'t know that… Never had to do that


ps: one great thing that you could do is create an web messenger, like jwchat. as far i know, it’‘s the only one. I use it, and it’‘s pretty good. But an plugin or even built-in it would be wonderfull, because the configuration with Resin or Tomcat is a bit obscure and so with punjab. i’'m just wondering…

ps: one great thing that you could do is create an

web messenger, like jwchat. as far i know, it’'s the

only one. I use it, and it’'s pretty good. But an

plugin or even built-in it would be wonderfull,

because the configuration with Resin or Tomcat is a

bit obscure and so with punjab. i’'m just wondering…

Yes, that would nice but speaking from experience I can tell you writing a quality web client would require a lot of work. For group chat functionality check out the Jive Group Chat app:



Yes, that would nice but speaking from experience I

can tell you writing a quality web client would

require a lot of work. For group chat functionality

check out the Jive Group Chat app:

I know…

It’'s not free



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Hey Ryan,thanks you source code,i will add some code in it,i may send it back you when you need it .

mrodrigom,jive’'s flash client app is nice web client,you can modified it in yourself request.