How do chat requests get routed to group members?

It seems like a chat request that gets rejected by an openfire workgroup member does not bounce to another group member.

I’m not sure how the routing of chat requests works, but it seems once a request goes to one workgroup member, the request sticks with that member.

Specifically, I have this example from one of the folks I support with Openfire Enterprise and Spark:

“… I was just testing the live chat from the customer side to see if Michele and I can both respond to the customer. I got the request first, rejected it assuming Michele would get the request next. With in a couple seconds it appeared on my machine again. I let the time run out and that didn’t work either. Michele couldn’t get the request. Is this something that we will be able to do? We need the ability if someone is not available to accept the conversation that another representative can take it.”

Thanks for any info on this!