How do I collaspse all my chat session tabs into 1 window

Hello, I know this has been asked before, and I apologize for my post ahead of time. My defense is that I don’t think it has been explicitly asked for a while.

I’m using Spark 2.6.3.

Yes, I’m a java programmer similar to you guys.

I’ve looked at the previous postings on this subject. I have tried follow the direction given (using non-existant class TabbedViewNaviagator and also the file etc), but I was unsuccessful at achieving what I want to do.

I’m new to Spark and have been able to modify it sllighly.

Question: Anyway, when I open many chat sessions, I would like everything (text, file transfers, etc) to appear on only one tab. (Basically, I keep forgeting to monitor all the tabs and people get annoyed!) I want to do away with all the tabs and send everything to one window. So, all concurrent chat sessions data will go to one and only one window and the data is not broken up amongest several different tabs.

Via java code, how do I accomplish this great feat via a good code example. Yes, I’m asking for the exact code to do this and the intuition that goes along with it. Where do I put the code, etc etc etc. I can code, but I need a person with experience to guide me step by step for a while.

I’m looking for al as much code as I can get.

Thanks for the help,


I don’t think this was ever asked here (at least i don’t remember). You want to get rid of the structured (tabs, windows) view and get everything into one flow. Well, i get a beauty of it a bit, but it can be also very messy. Users are prone to type into wrong window/tab, so it will be even more easier to send a message to a wrong person Unless you want this modification only for you. It looks like a tough task to do (threaded view or some other approach for different conversations in one window? history access?).

Most people in these forums are just users or admins, not many developers here, especially for Spark and especially of such expertise that you need. Maybe you should ask on some java-dev specific forums.