How does the new email service works?

can anyone please clarify how does the new email service that comes with version 2.1.4 works. thanks.

Hi jet,

Here’'s a bit of code to get you started:

EmailService emailService = EmailService.getInstance();
emailService.sendMessage(String toName, String toEmail, String fromName,
            String fromEmail, String subject, String textBody, String htmlBody); //or MimeMessage message = emailService.createMimeMessage();

Hope that helps,


I should probably clairify that the above post was for if you were looking to write some code (for a plugin, as an example) that uses the email service. Currently Messenger does not make use of the email service. The email service was actually something I had requested to aid in the development of a plugin (JM-236), but that plugin is on hold probably until 2.2

Hope that helps,


thanks a lot ryang. now is clear to me now.

Just curious…

Has anyone thought about writing a component for jive that listens on port 25 and translates eMails to jabber messages? Sending eMail would be blazingly easy, imho - just a component named that sends every message to out as an eMail, using your JID as sender… Subject/body are the same as in jabber, attachments might be a problem though…

Incoming mails would be translated by and forwarded to the target JID…

Well - the most basic implementation doesn’‘t sound that hard - or am I missing something here? Can anyone comment on this? I know that lots of discussions about transports like this already happened on various jabber related places, but due to the straight/simple plugin concept in jive I’'d see a real chance to give it a try here… Any suggestions?


Hi Ben,

Has anyone thought about writing a component for jive that listens on port 25 and

translates eMails to jabber messages?

Yes, I had actually thought that might be a cool feature as well. I believe one of the commercial XMPP servers supports this feature and it would be neat if Messenger did too. I’'ll add your suggestion to JM-236.

I know that lots of discussions about transports like this already happened on various

jabber related places, but due to the straight/simple plugin concept in jive I’'d see a

real chance to give it a try here… Any suggestions?

Are you volunteering? If so let me know and I’'d be happy to team up with you on a joint venture.



Hi R yan

Yes, I had actually thought that might be a cool

feature as well. I believe one of the commercial XMPP

servers supports this feature and it would be neat if

Messenger did too. I’'ll add your suggestion to


Nice, thanks.

But somehow the link to this thread is messed up (additional/superfluous question mark at the end).

I know that lots of discussions about transports

like this already happened on various

jabber related places, but due to the

straight/simple plugin concept in jive I’'d see a

real chance to give it a try here… Any


Are you volunteering? If so let me know and I’'d be

happy to team up with you on a joint venture.

Well - I’‘m familiar with java, linux and quite confident with mail servers… But I’‘m not very good at all that XMPP stuff (reading about data forms…?). I’'m interested, though.


P.S.: Seems as if this board messes up the quotation?

Hi Ben,

Yes, I had actually thought that might be a cool

feature as well. I believe one of the commercial


servers supports this feature and it would be neat


Messenger did too. I’'ll add your suggestion to


Nice, thanks.

But somehow the link to this thread is messed up

(additional/superfluous question mark at the end).

Good catch. I can’'t delete/edit comments so I just added another one that points to this thread rather than the specific post.

I know that lots of discussions about transports

like this already happened on various

jabber related places, but due to the

straight/simple plugin concept in jive I’'d see a

real chance to give it a try here… Any


Are you volunteering? If so let me know and I’'d


happy to team up with you on a joint venture.

Well - I’'m familiar with java, linux and quite

confident with mail servers… But I’'m not very good

at all that XMPP stuff (reading about data forms…?).

I’'m interested, though.

For what you’‘re proposing the XMPP stuff would be really minimal, once the email was processed the sending of the IM would be just a couple lines of code. Since you’‘re interested why don’'t you send me a private message and we can figure out a way to coordinate our work.

