How launch smack-1.4.1

how launch smack-1.4.1 ???


windows XP

Hi Valera,

What do you mean by “launching Smack”?

In facts, Smack is a client library, that is to say pieces of codes (here written in JAVA) that you could use to connect to an XMPP server. As a consequence, it is possible to use Smack classes to develop an entire client such as JBother ( or WhisperIM ( But downloading Smack 1.4.1 is not enough to enjoy an XMPP Server’‘s services, you need to make some codes including Smack’'s jar files…

I hope I have been helpful,


I’'m extract

then execute

java -jar smack.jar

and i’'m have exeption

JAVA is installed in my PC

Well, I really think you did not catch what Smack is. Smack is only a library you could include in your java code to get XMPP tools. You cannot execute it, it is not a software (that is the reason why java -jar smack.jar does not work…).

If you need a java XMPP client, you should have a look to JBother and WhisperIM (both java softwares uses Smack library).

Is that clear so far?

if he still dont get it, i can explain in russian:) I suppose by nickname he/she should understand that better:)

wroot >>


tebia v profile net ni ICQ ni e-mail.

85301234 eto moja ICQ.

a problema v tom chto nihera ne rabotaet :):):slight_smile:

est’’ kucha kompov na kotorih hotelos’’ bi videt’’ SMACk

Ja tak ponimaju na nih nado stavit’’ Java и XMPP tools verno ?

no vot eshe. est’’ korporativnij sajt. kakim makarom ego tuda vstroit’’ ?

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This time, I cannot help you because I did not catch what you said. But, If you still need an Jabber Client, Smack is not the good product for you…

Good Luck,


wroot >> your turn now I think

Seb, yeah, i’'ll try my best;)

valera> kak my uzhe pytalis objasnit’’, Smack eto ne klient (kak Exodus, Miranda i drugie), eto tolko api biblioteka, osnova dlia napisania klientov, ishodnik. Ne znaju kak esche objasnit. Tak cto zapustit ego ty ne smozhesh i konechno zhe vstroit na sajt. Mozhno tolko na ego osnove napisat svoj klient. Primery klientov na Smacke: JBother i WhisperIM. Mne bolshe nravitsia JBother hotia on esche ne sovsem zavershen.

To cto ty hochesh klient zapihnut na sajt zvuchit stranno, ty hochesh sdelat chat ili ctoto v etom rode? Togda tebe nuzhen ne obychnyj klient a web service. Vozmozhno tebe podoshel by XIFF (etot proekt mozhesh najti na etom sajte, no poka beta). XIFF eto flash biblioteka, kotoruju i mozhno na sajt zapihnut, po krajnej mere ja tak ponimaju, vse ne nahozhu vremeni protestirovat.

Nadejus stalo nemnogo poniatnej;)

P.S. da ICQ i e-mailom svoim ne raskidyvajus osobo;)

it seem that Jive Forum doesnt support cyrillic chars:)

Yeah… something must be wrong with our setup here since Unicode should normally be supported. I’'ll look into it.

