How to add/use our own database with openFire?

Hi all,

I am new to use openFire. I want to use my own database | tables & relations with openfire. I don’t want to use any of the openFire predefined tables & relations.

Please guide me that how can I add/use my own database | tables with openFire.

Thanks in advance.



What exactly are you trying to do? You mention your own database? What database are your suggesting?

It’s not a good idea to jump off the upgrade path that Openfire may layed out for future builds, which is generally what you are expressing.


Hi Pat,

I want to add my own tables | almost 12 tables which contain user, groups, subscription details like name, city, gender, country, email, payments and almost 15 fields in each table. I found no help regarding to my problem. Do you have an idea how I can use my tables & database with openFire? Or is it possible to add our own tables & database in this way? I am using MySQL.

