How to change correctly Java Keystore default Password in Openfire 4.0?


I have installed Openfire 4-0 iserver and im trying change default password (changeit) for Java Keystore but don´t know how to do it correctly.

Im usign this command:

keytool -storepass changeit -storepasswd -keystore security/keystore

And when up server i can see this message:

Unable to access certificate store. The keystore may be corrupt. One or more certificates are missing. Click here to generate self-signed certificates or here to import a signed certificate and its private key.

Someone can help me please?


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Como nadie me ha respondido me autorespondo en mi idioma y el que no lo entienda que se busque la vida con el google translator.


  • Borrar los certificados

  • Parar Openfire

  • Cambiar password keystore y truststore:

keytool -storepass changeit -storepasswd -keystore security/keystore

keytool -storepass changeit -storepasswd -keystore security/truststore

  • Levantar Openfire

  • Agregar a propiedades del sistema:

xmpp.socket.ssl.client.keypass -> your password for the keystore

xmpp.socket.ssl.client.keystore -> the location of the keystore

xmpp.socket.ssl.client.trustpass -> your passwort for the truststore

xmpp.socket.ssl.client.truststore -> the location of the truststore

xmpp.socket.ssl.server.keypass -> your password for the keystore

xmpp.socket.ssl.server.keystore -> the location of the keystore

xmpp.socket.ssl.server.trustpass -> your passwort for the truststore

xmpp.socket.ssl.server.truststore -> the location of the truststore

xmpp.socket.ssl.keypass -> your password for the keystore

xmpp.socket.ssl.keystore -> the location of the keystore

xmpp.socket.ssl.trustpass -> your passwort for the truststore

xmpp.socket.ssl.truststore -> the location of the truststore

  • Reiniciamos servicio Openfire