How to debug isActive() == true, isLoggedIn() == false?

Hi, I build a test swf:


Security.loadPolicyFile(“xmlsocket://”+ CHAT_SERVER +":843");

xmppConn = new XMPPConnection();

xmppConn.useAnonymousLogin = true;

xmppConn.server = CHAT_SERVER;

xmppConn.port = 5222;

xmppConn.addEventListener( ConnectionSuccessEvent.CONNECT_SUCCESS, onConnectSuccess );

xmppConn.addEventListener(LoginEvent.LOGIN, onLogin);

xmppConn.addEventListener(XIFFErrorEvent.XIFF_ERROR, onError);



The onLogin method is never called, in onConnectSuccess, xmppConn.isActive() == true, xmppConn.isLoggedIn() == false

And onError shows nothing.

I wonder how I can debug such scenario? is there any other EventListener I can get more info?


Trace everything that comes out from onDataReceived (or similar, sorry cannot remember right now).

Active “should” stand for that the connection is somehow alive, where as logged in is only after authentication has passed.