How to delete certain users conversations

I was wondering how i can delete certaini users conversations frm the db so that they do not show up in any logs etc?

Only by editing the db manually.

ok… what table/db do i edit?

I’m not a db guy, so cant help here. You will have to find out yourself, or wait for a suggestion from someone else, or search the forums. Maybe this will help -guide.html


Thank you for that great answer… I guess Im not sure what db to look for. The server the db is on has multipledb’s. What is the name of the db?

Whatever you called it during the install… Look at the ‘Database’ configuration and see what it’s connecting to. The DB name will be in there. Who set this up - You? Is there a DBA who manages your database server?

It was installed before my arrival at this job. That person is no longer employed.

The configuration says this is the db…

DB Connection URL:
jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Program Files\Openfire\embedded-db\openfire

butthere is no db in that directory. only a script file, log, properties file, and a .lck file. there are no sql or other files in that directory.

Oh, that’s using the internal db, so you can’t easily edit it - Your best option is probably to rebuild the environment using a real database on the backend.

ok… then I guess i am not going crazy!!!

Thank you fo the help sir!!!

primetime33 wrote:

butthere is no db in that directory. only a script file, log, properties file, and a .lck file. there are no sql or other files in that directory.
This is actually the db. Embedded database consist of these text files. Main file is openfire.script. SQL inserts are stored there. When Openfire starts a database is constructed in the memory. I agree with David that in your case, if you want to edit database often and delete conversations, it is better to move to some real database backend.

Is there a easy way just to clear out the whole archive if you are using the built in archiving in openfire?

I think no. This plugin is only meant for storing.

Hi! I finded a way, for db newbie or without any knowledge about db, to clear out the whole message archive. I Used a DbVisualiser pro(trial) to edit openfire.script.

Userid is SA, password empty, use database type HSQLDB, driver HSQLDB emdedded, version 1.8.0

Copied from my linux server(after stoped openfire server) to windows folder, opened in dbvisualizer, and empty rows from Public/Table-




    Saved, backed up and renamed old database script, and copy this one with empty rows. Start openfire service and voila, db has decreased size, and logs as well.

Good luck!