I’ve read a lot of the threads on not having a tray icon appear in Linux. The tray icon works fine under my installation, however, I prefer to use AllTray to handle many of my taskbar icons under Gnome and CentOS 5.1 on the desktop. By doing so I get two spark icons, one pretty flame and one bubble icon which is the default of Spark.
My question is: how do I disable the icon from appearing in the taskbar automatically.? I’d like to be able to turn this feature off so that I can use AllTray to handle my taskbar placement. I’m not a Java programmer, but if someone could point me to where I might turn this off I would be greatly appreciative.
I don’t know if this is the proper way to handle disabling the tray icon in Linux, but I found this out.
I removed jdic.jar and libtray.so from /opt/Spark/lib/linux
I then had to wipe my /home/username/.Spark/ profile because the tray icon kept appearing. As soon as I moved my profile off to the side and allowed Spark to create a new one, the tray icon quit appearing. I can now use my tray application to dock Spark.
I tried to remove jniwrapper.jar and jniwrapper directory from my plugins directory under my user profile, but it kep coming back and the icon continued to dock. The only way I was able to get it to stop was to do what I did above.
Back to the original question: if anyone has a better approach to disabling the tray icon in Linux, feel free to educate me.